The Spoon-feeding Education  By Venus Law - Young Envoy 2018 
13 Aug 2019
Do you like studying? Honestly if your answer is a "yes", I would probably think that you are lying, or else you are insane. 10 to 10, I believe you can hardly find a student telling you that they are enjoying their studies in Hong Kong. Definition We can see the literal meaning of the term, "spoon-feed", referring to someone is being fed with a spoon,...
遊戲不只是遊戲  By Lam Cheuk Lok - Young Envoy 2018 
13 Aug 2019
© UNICEF HK/2019 兒童有權兒童是社會未來的主人翁,他們的在兒時的發展會真接影響到他們的行為、性格等。「勤有功,戲無益」?現時大多數家長都希望孩子能夠在學業成績上獲取佳績,在看重學業表現時,卻忽略了孩子的玩樂時間。在幾年前聯合國兒童基金...
Helping others is a wonderful thing!  By Ryan Hon - Young Envoy 2018 
13 Aug 2019
In our modern society there are lots of things happening to our lives, often we get too hooked on matters like homework, social activities and trainings. Sometimes we just omit the insignificant things in our lives that may inspire us to think from a different perspective. Hong Kong is a very sustainable and prosperous city. As citizens, we take a lot ...
Visiting Care Corner Orphanage  By Mars Lee - Young Envoy 2018 
12 Aug 2019
Most of us may take our parents for granted, however, for some unfortunate children, they may not have the chance to meet them. Some orphans are abandoned by their parents due to various reasons, ranging from economic, health and personal concerns. Orphanages are like a gleam of hope for orphans, where accommodations, food, education, and necessities are...
留守兒童  By Ken Ho - Young Envoy 2018 
09 Aug 2019
© UNICEF/UNI180541/ 初見留守 在中國的偏遠地區,有著這樣的一群孩子,他們就如初生的雛鳥,但卻早早失去了父母雙翼的庇護, 他們光著腳丫,背著竹簍,蹣跚著翻過山嶺,淌過河流,與行動不便的爺爺奶奶相依為命,本應玩耍讀書的年紀,卻早早背負起了...