2018年暑假,我們有幸前往菲律賓馬尼拉考察,親身了解及考察 UNICEF 的前線工作。
In 2018 summer, we made a field visit to Manila in Philippines to learn and investigate UNICEF's work on the ground.
我們參加了一個長約兩小時,由 UNICEF 駐菲律賓辦事處所主持的講座,簡述其在菲律賓的重點工作;同場還有代表減低災害風險項目團隊(DRR)的青年所主持的講座。他們來自距離馬尼拉八小時車程,位於北甘馬粦省的柏拉卡萊(Paracale)。
是次講座的目的是為了傳達 DRR101 訊息,闡述兒童於災害期間所扮演的角色和團隊在危急情況時可以做的事。此外,講座內容亦包括了「兒童參與權」這一項議題,期間他們分享了 UNICEF 在當地如何促進兒童參與權,以及如何讓兒童的聲音傳達至社會各界。
Climate Change/Disaster Risk Reduction
We attended a two-hour session hosted by UNICEF Philippines which presented us the highlights of the Country Programmes there.
The talk was followed by another session with youth representatives from the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) team. The team came from Paracale, Camarines Norte, which is located 8 hours away from Manila. This session aimed at delivering the concept of DRR 101, highlighting the role of children and what they could do in times of emergency.
The session also presented us with the child participation aspect of their work such as what they have done to help children, and how the children's voices are being heard. In 2018 summer, we made a field visit to Manila in the Philippines to learn and investigate UNICEF's work on the ground.
在城市項目規劃方面,UNICEF 側重於推動基礎和初小教育工作,並與當地政府政策互相配合。對伙伴學校的主要支援有:培訓幼兒園至初小的教師和社工,為較貧困的學校供應學習用品、並提供技術援助,以加強早期幼兒發展計劃與幼兒園和小學之間的聯繫。
In a local kindergarten, we were shocked by the vast difference between the classrooms in Hong Kong and the Philippines. Air Conditioning, adequate lighting and spacious areas of classrooms in Hong Kong is nowhere to be found. However, children were learning seriously and teachers were guiding patiently. UNICEF's programme work in the sector in urban settings is focused on basic education and primary education levels; along with policy work with the government.
Key support given to partner schools was in the context of training the Kindergarten up to Grades 1-3 teachers and social workers, providing school supplies to poorer schools; and providing technical assistance on strengthening the link between Early Childhood Development Program, Kinder-level and Primary Grade school levels.
透過在健康中心觀察疫苗接種及與衞生人員交流,我們了解到 UNICEF 一直支持當地的貧困社群,加強推行定期疫苗接種。
雖然馬尼拉大都會區的情況正逐步改善,但項目工作仍面臨著種種社會環境上的挑戰,如區內有人因宗教和家庭問題而無法接受疫苗服務。不過UNICEF 依舊努力不懈推展工作。
Health and Nutrition
Through observing an immunization session, and interaction with health workers, we realized that UNICEF is giving great support to the urban poor communities in Metro Manila so as to strengthen routine immunization.
With the intervention, the situation in Metro Manila is gradually improving and UNICEF will continue their work despite many challenges ahead such as some people who couldn't benefit from the free vaccination due to family and religious reasons.
在青年村,我們與不同背景的青少年互動,當中有曾經歷暴力對待及虐待,由政府轉介入住,青年村為這些青少年提供康復、輔導服務、職業技能培訓等。UNICEF 與倡議團體敦促政府關注及全面執行現行的「少年司法法」,並希望當地政府能支持為兒童罪犯而設的社區康復計劃。
Child Protection
In a youth village, we interacted with teenagers from different backgrounds. Some of them in the youth village were victims of violence and abuse, who were transferred here. The village offers rehabilitation and counselling services, as well as vocational training to the children residing there. UNICEF works closely with advocacy partners and urges government to focus on fuller implementation of the existing Juvenile Justice Law and the community-based rehabilitation programmes for child offenders.
During the break time, we talked with some of them, they taught us the basic techniques of playing their instruments, and played a few short songs for us. We were very pleased and grateful for their hospitality. After the visit, we understood that no matter what the backgrounds of these children are, they are just like us, happy, confident, and willing to share their thoughts through performances and conversation.
有感情況嚴峻,UNICEF 於菲律賓致力推動愛滋病預防工作如鼓勵修訂當地法律,允許15-17歲的未成年人士在未經父母同意下獲得免費的愛滋病病毒檢測服務。目前,法律僅規定18歲及以上人士獲得免費的檢測服務。
Adolescent Health and Development/HIV
Prevention and Response In 2015, an estimated 150,000 children (aged 0–14 years) were newly infected with HIV globally.
For the grim situation, UNICEF is committed to promoting AIDS prevention in the Philippines. They encouraged the amendment of HIV Laws in the Philippines to allow minors aged 15-17 to access free HIV testing services without parental consent. Currently, the law provides only to 18-year olds and above.
The visit to Community and Family Services International was
extraordinary. We were invited to demonstrate how to put on a condom. We were bewildered as we seldom openly talk about sex in Hong Kong. It is a shame that even the so-called more developed places like Hong Kong, doesn't promote such solid way of sex education. Is it a taboo or people in Hong Kong simply do not want to mention it? As we all know, it is essential to prevent unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.