Speakers Sharing of Children's Rights Workshop
多年以來,UNICEF Hong Kong都為一班青年使者舉行兒童權利工作坊,介紹兒童權利的概念,以裝備他們成為兒童權利的倡議者。今年,一班來自香港大學志新學院的學生接捧,負上了擔任未來工作坊講者的責任。這八位來自世界各地的學生接受了一系列的訓練,並剛舉行第一個由他們主講的工作坊。想知他們準備工作坊的感受以及工作坊參加者的感受?請看以下片段!
For many years, UNICEF Hong Kong conducts a children's rights workshop for Young Envoys to equip them with a basic working knowledge in children’s rights. This year, a group of students from Chi Sun College of the University of Hong Kong has taken the baton to deliver future workshops. The eight students, who come from different parts of the world, went through a series of training and delivered their first pilot workshop recently. How did it go? Let’s see what these students and attendants of their workshop say!