聯合國兒童基金會青年使者計劃2019 - 南韓考察團 Learning Visit to South Korea of UNICEF Young Envoys Programme 2019 By
08 Apr 2021
在是次考察團中,我們到訪了南韓其中兩個獲得兒童友好認證的城市 (CFCI) 中,分別是城北區和完州。在這兩個兒童友好城市中,它們均有設立兒童委員會。
UNICEF Korea採用了10項CFCI原則,形成了CFCI的總體框架,包括:

Speakers Sharing of Children's Rights Workshop By
05 Sep 2019
多年以來,UNICEF Hong Kong都為一班青年使者舉行兒童權利工作坊,介紹兒童權利的概念,以裝備他們成為兒童權利的倡議者。今年,一班來自香港大學志新學院的學生接捧,負上了擔任未來工作坊講者的責任。這八位來自世界各地的學生接受了一系列的訓練,並剛舉行第一...

The Spoon-feeding Education By
13 Aug 2019
Do you like studying? Honestly if your answer is a "yes", I would probably think that you are lying, or else you are insane. 10 to 10, I believe you can hardly find a student telling you that they are enjoying their studies in Hong Kong.
We can see the literal meaning of the term, "spoon-feed", referring to someone is being fed with a spoon,...

遊戲不只是遊戲 By
13 Aug 2019
© UNICEF HK/2019

Helping others is a wonderful thing! By
13 Aug 2019
In our modern society there are lots of things happening to our lives, often we get too hooked on matters like homework, social activities and trainings. Sometimes we just omit the insignificant things in our lives that may inspire us to think from a different perspective.
Hong Kong is a very sustainable and prosperous city. As citizens, we take a lot ...