我覺得今年的這個參加青年使者計劃的經歷是很不一樣的。我從來沒想過我可以有機會可以在這邊學習。經過這短短半年多的時間我學會了很多,就像—些與人相處的技巧,—些說服別人的技巧,還有更深入的認識到自己。參加青年使者計劃其實是蠻辛苦的,但是因為身邊的其他人的鼓勵和陪伴,讓我覺得都是值得的。看著自 己想出來的活動從想像到實行,就覺得自己的努力沒有白費。 謝謝青年使者計劃讓我學習到那麼多,成長了那麼多。
在此我明白到與人相處,應以君子周而不比為榜樣。學習發現與你性格迥然不同人的優點如藝術大師羅丹言:美麗存活在生活的四周。這個世界從不缺少美,而是缺少發現美的眼睛。世界之所以精彩因爲有不同,而這就像是未來的一角,讓我接觸到不同年齡、環境的人,學習到與人相處之道,彼此包容 。
一年前,覺得青年使者只是個名銜,以為自己是付出的那個 。但在—連串的校內和公眾活動、考察團中,卻發現自己從中吸取到的經驗、知識遠比想像中多。 感恩自己一年前所做的決定,讓我的視野更廣闊了—點,讓我可以更謙卑地對待這個大世界。這只是另一個起點,並不是終結。
不知從哪裏起,我從朋友口中得知到青年使者計劃,便—直憧憬著成為一名青年使者。在過去的一年 ,我從一名對兒童權利懵然不知的學生,實實在在地成為了提倡兒童權利的使者。透過公眾參與項目 及 考察團,我和原本素未謀面的青年使者成為工作、一齊面對艱難和分享經歷的夥伴,更對於兒童四權如何在社區實踐有了更深的體悟和了解。而過程中,我亦深受啟發,明白到縱使我們只是默默無名的中學生,但我們仍能聚集微小的聲音,為社區上的大小事情發聲。星星之火,可以燎原。希望日後仍能以 青年使者的身分參與更多社會活動。
Chik Yau Hong
'Committed citizens can change the world.' The year I spent together with the Young Envoys has deepened this belief in my heart: they are zealous, initiative and capable. I wholeheartedly believe that the end of this program does not drop a full stop for our journey of promoting the children's rights.
Jasmine Liu
I have spent a fruitful year with all Young Envoys and mentors, and am more than grateful to be able to get acquainted with all of them. This programme has broadened my horizon on global child's rights issues. Through attending workshops and organising activities, I truly acknowledge that children around the world desperately need our helping hand, I hope this learning journey will not end here and I can continue to use my utmost strength to take part in helping all children in need.
Cherian Leung
It has been an extremely rewarding experience being a part of the UNICEF Young Envoys Programme 2019. The Young Envoys Programme has been a Journey of many new experiences, and as much as the time and effort required completing various projects, you would marvel at the results your team has strived to achieve. On top of that, the Young Envoys Programme has granted me an opportunity to meet tons of new friends. Different from the familiar faces in my social circle, the friends I got to know in the programme are from immensely diverse backgrounds, and the generous mix of personalities created an amazing environment for us to learn to work with one another Looking back, you'll certainly be struck in awe by how far you've come, and memories from the Young Envoys Programme will forever be held close to my heart.
Lam Man Chun
I have absolutely no idea what children's rights are before being a Young Envoys. To be honest, Young Envoys Programme has broadened my horizon a lot, such as local SEN students situation, a learning visit to Seoul to understand how to implement CFCI, to global vision on Sustainable Development Goals. I am glad that I can meet a group of enthusiastic young child right advocators. The Young Envoys Programme is certainly a life-changing journey!