聯合國兒童基金會青年使者計劃2018 – 中國四川考察團 Learning Visit to the Sichuan, China of UNICEF Young Envoys Programme 2018
By 青年使者 Young Envoys 2018 
08 Apr 2021

我們到訪中國內地四川省,了解 UNICEF 和政府共同推展的「有條件現金轉移計劃」(CCT計劃)如何促進農村的婦幼保健。


We visited Sichuan Province of Mainland China to learn about how the Conditional Cash Transfer Scheme (The CCT Scheme) launched by UNICEF and the government improves the health of mothers and babies in rural areas.






Birth Care

In a town centre hospital, we learnt about the prenatal, maternal and child care health services offered there, as well as the implementation of the CCT Scheme. Health workers showed a data management system developed by UNICEF which enables instant update of data, and transparent and efficient monitoring of Scheme. Low awareness of prenatal health, low education level and cultural belief put the women and babies at health risk due to delayed access to service. This explained why the CCT Scheme is in place.


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「基層兒童福利服務體系建設」項目由 UNICEF 與政府合作推展,選擇和培訓村級代表作為兒童福利主任,為最脆弱的兒童提供及時、針對性的基本需求援助。村級福利主任將協助有需要的兒童獲得政府所提供的各種資源及社區援助,直接改善他們的生活條件。相比涼山州,在香港這富裕、發達的地區,人們又是否願意如此無私地去奉獻,完成力所能及的事?是否擁有的越多,能夠給予的反而越少呢?這真是值得每一個人反思。


Child Welfare Project

In Liangshan where the average economic situation is poor, a monthly income of $1,000 something is already quite handsome, but the child welfare officer would rather give up the income and convert his own food processing plant into a children’s activity center to boost childhood mental health development. 


The pilot scheme of child welfare officers was developed by UNICEF in partnership with the government. Village-level representatives were trained as child welfare officers to offer timely, door-to-door, need-based support to children who were in vulnerable situations. These officers would assist children in needs to access various assistances offered by government and available in the community, so as to directly improve their livelihood.


Compared with Liangshan Prefecture, can people in Hong Kong, who are wealthier and more developed, be that altruistic to devote and do as far as their abilities? Isn't the more you have, the less you can give? This is a question worthy of everyone's reflection.


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Home Visit 1

In a 5-person family, the father died two years ago, the mother inevitably had to raise the four children on her own. The income of the family depended only on a 354 yuan-subsidy for each child from the government and a bit of support for self-reliant agriculture, so they could only live a plain life. 


For us, or under the situation in Hong Kong, living with such amount of income was unimaginable, as the money would be tight after a week. Compared to them, our resentment towards the lack of pocket money sounds absurd, which made us ashamed. The crying of the oldest boy in the family was the most heartbreaking part to us in the visit. The local worker explained that he is still desperately sad for his father's death. Hence, we became more aware of our words so as to avoid arousing his sensation in the interview. Not all families are stable and complete, that is why we should treasure and appreciate our family members.


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這是一個CCT計劃的受益戶,家裏的父親於兩個孩子年紀尚小時去世。因為失去家中唯 一的經濟支柱,他們只能依賴政府的津貼去維持生活。 在兩個孩子還小的時候,父親便開始吸毒,還染上了愛滋病逝世,而母親也成為了愛滋 病病毒帶菌者。現在,兩個孩子分別在不同中學就讀,由於都是寄宿生,只有在假期時 才能回家。幸好他們都十分懂事,為減輕家庭負擔一直努力學習以獲得獎學金,他們又 會主動做家務,毫無怨言。政府的津貼雖然只有大約800元,但他們已經非常滿足了。 只要努力和心存希望,最好的總會來臨!



Home Visit 2


This is a household benefitted from the CCT Scheme. The father of this family died when the two children were young. As a result, the only productivity in the family has been lost and they can only rely on government subsidies to maintain their lives.


The father took drugs while the two children were still young, he later contracted AIDS and passed away. Worse still, the mother also became a HIV carrier. Now both children are attending schools in different areas, both are boarders who only return home during holidays. Fortunately, they can understand the hard work of the mother, they study hard and receive scholarships to reduce the financial burden on the family. They are willing to do housework with no complaint. They said the government allowance which is only about 800 yuan is already quite enough. 


As long as you work hard and have hope, the best will always come!


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