飢餓遊戲與脫北少女  By Amy Hui - Young Envoy 2018 
09 Aug 2019
© UNICEF/UNI102379/Horner 「飢餓遊戲快樂,願好運常常對你有利」,相信大家對這句句子並不陌生。沒錯,它出自早幾年當紅的小說《飢餓遊戲》以及由其改編的同名電影。故事發生在「施惠國」,每年十二個行政區必須提供12至18歲的男孩和女孩各一人作「貢品」...
Poverty in Hong Kong - Life in Sham Shui Po  By Justin Lam - Young Envoy 2018 
20 Nov 2018
Most of us are extremely fortunate to be able to study in Hong Kong's most elite schools, and have basic rights and needs of a child. Hong Kong may seem to be one of the wealthiest, most modern and most diverse cities in the world, but some of the Hong Kong citizens have been victims of poverty for a long time. Sham Shui Po is arguably Hong Kong's...
絕地求生  By Karen - Young Envoy 2018 
25 Oct 2018
最近,我們很多時候都能看到街上無論大人、青年和小朋友都在玩著一個手機遊戲,絕地求生(Playerunknown's Battleground),而玩家通常稱此遊戲為「吃雞」。這是一款戰術競技遊戲,玩家需要在短時間內搜集不同武器,例如槍、手榴彈、刀等,想辦法殺掉其他玩家,活到最...
Life on the Streets of Cebu  By Tiffany - Young Envoy 2018 
28 Sep 2018
Most of us are extremely fortunate because we have access to our basic rights. However, there are some who don't have adequate standards of living, and I was able to experience this first-handedly. In November, I went to Cebu as part of a school’s project, to interact with the street children living there. Over the week, we spent the days at a...
沙漠之花(Dessert flower)  By Chacha - Young Envoy 2018 
28 Sep 2018
© UNICEF/UN0316448/ 我最近看了一部電影叫《沙漠之花》,根據索馬里黑人模特華莉絲·迪裡的自傳改編。講述了華莉絲從索馬里沙漠中走到世界成為頂級名模的故事,2009年在英國上映。這部看起來平平無奇,就像是我們平常所看的麻雀變鳳凰的情節電影,...